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[ Fertilizers ]

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Product Description

Density: 1.33



Packaging: 1L and 5L


Nutrients: N – B

Density*: 1.33

pH: 7,0

Color: WHITE


Method of application: FOLIAR ROUTE

(*) In accordance with current legislation, there may be variations, directly impacting the %PV and gr/L.PV guarantees;

(**) Variables according to the density measured in the manufacturing batch.

Leaf Nutrition

Folium Boro Polyol

Folium Boro Polyol stands out in the Cropwinner line because it is a boron complexed with polyols, ensuring greater absorption and translocation of the nutrient in the phloem of plants, providing better use of boron. No incompatibility in mixtures with other agricultural products.

Manufactured by VitalForce, the FOLIUM “concentrated suspension” line was developed using the concept of microtechnology, and the company is a pioneer in Brazil when it comes to microtechnology for agriculture. The technology consists of converting product particles into microparticles through highly technological industrial processes, improving the solubilization and absorption of macro and micronutrients by the plant. We have the smallest particles on the market, which, when combined with sources of carbonates and oxides, allow gradual release into crops without causing phytotoxicity to the plants.

This technology, when applied to plants, obtains superior results compared to fertilizers that contain larger particles, as the use of microparticles is more efficient, in addition to being free of elements such as iodine and sodium, reducing the product's saline index.

  • Differential

    Essential in several metabolic processes, such as sugar transport, cell wall formation and cell division.

  • Instructions for Use

    Prepare the syrup containing the product only at the time of use. Avoid mixing oxide and carbonate-based products in an acidic medium, as this can cause the nutrient to dissolve, forming precipitates and reducing the residual action of the product. Shake the product before use; if possible, pre-dilute it in water.

  • Product Handling

    Cereals: Via Folha (0.5 – 1.5 l/ha)

  • Cultures

    Soybeans • Corn • Wheat • Beans • Cotton • Coffee • Rice • Fruit and vegetables

  • Comparative Metric Scale

    Hydrogen Atom 0.1 nm

Zinc leaf

Fluid fertilizer in concentrated suspension, providing zinc and nitrogen to plants. Formulated with zinc oxide in high concentration, (1,000 g/l).

Potassium leaf

Fluid fertilizer in suspension, providing potassium to plants. Formulated with potassium carbonate in high concentration, (516.8g/l).

Folium Calcium

Concentrated fluid suspension fertilizer, providing calcium and nitrogen to plants. Formulated with high concentration calcium carbonate (405 g/l).

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