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Home Cultures Cotton



There are records of cotton in ancient civilizations such as Inca handicrafts in Peru and parts of Pakistan, dating back to centuries before Christ. Expansion to other countries took place through India to Mesopotamia, which became the most important trade channel at the time. Its introduction into Europe took place through the Arabs, with the installation of weaving factories in Spain, Venice and Milan. With the Industrial Revolution came the first spinning mill opened in Manchester, England, being a milestone in the history of cotton where weaving came to dominate the world market for yarns and fabrics.

Cotton in


Even before colonization, the Indians were already cultivating cotton, mastering techniques of weaving and dyeing the fibers for making hammocks and blankets, they also used the plant in food and used the juice of the leaves to treat wounds. The expansion of cotton took place in the northeast region, the first major producer being the state of Maranhão, which in 1760 began exporting bags of the product to Europe. During the 1980s, the cotton boll weevil arrived in Brazilian territory, becoming one of the biggest pests of cotton production in the world. In a short period of time, the infestation destroyed entire crops in the Northeast, reaching a reduction of 60% of planted area between 1985 and 1995. Because of this, São Paulo and Paraná became the main cotton producers, prioritizing the planting of herbaceous plants, with smaller fibers, but more productive. With competition from other crops in the region, cotton growers migrated to new areas of Mato Grosso and Goiás. Currently, Mato Grosso together with Bahia are leaders in national production, representing more than 80% of cotton lint produced in Brazil.

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